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Oki Microline 192+
Black & White dot matrix printer, max. 120x120 dpi, works Partially
Recommended Driver: oki182 (Home page, View PPD, directly download PPD)
Generic Instructions: CUPS, no spooler


Printer supports direct text printing with the 'us-ascii' charset.


Print quality looks best when setup for 60x60 resolution. RedHat users need to setup this printer in the file /var/spool/lpd/lp/postscript.cfg Otherwise you're stuck with plain text only. This printer like other older Okidata printers comes in two flavors, IBM and Okidata emulation. I've only tried to use the IBM flavor. Those that have the Okidata emulation need to read the instructions to recompile Ghostscript to include the oki182 driver as it is not included by default in Red Hat.

Consumables/Refills: ribbon cartrige US $12


The following driver(s) are known to drive this printer:

Recommended driver:

oki182  (driver home page)
This driver is free software.
Type: Ghostscript built-in
Download:PPD file: View PPD, directly download PPD

Other drivers:

ibmpro  (driver home page)
This driver is free software.
Type: Ghostscript built-in
Download:PPD file: View PPD, directly download PPD