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Generic PostScript Printer
Color printer, max. 2400x2400 dpi, works Perfectly
Recommended Driver: Postscript (Home page, View PPD, directly download PPD)
Generic Instructions: CUPS, no spooler


This entry allows you to use any PostScript printer with Foomatic, at least with the basic options.

Use it only for setting up your printer if your printer is not explicitly listed in the Foomatic database and if you don't have a native PPD file for it. See our PPD instructions and the "Postscript" driver entry for more information.

If you use this entry to set up your printer, note that not all features of your printer will be supported and that the options offered to you do not all necessarily apply to your printer. Use the "Postscript1" driver if you have a printer only understanding PostScript Level 1.



The following driver(s) are known to drive this printer:

Recommended driver:

Postscript  (driver home page)
This driver is free software.
Type: PostScript
Download:PPD file: View PPD, directly download PPD