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Free software printer driver for the SAG-GDI protocol on Ricoh lasers
Supplier: rastertosag-gdi project
License: GPL (free software)
User support:Ricoh and OEM Forum on OpenPrinting (voluntary)
Max. rendering resolution: 600x600dpi   Only monochrome output   Type: CUPS Raster
Text:||||||||||  100Graphics:||||||||||  50System Load:Unknown
Line Art:||||||||||  100Photo:||||||||||  50Speed:Unknown


This driver is available in the Ghostscript Printer Application

This is a simple CUPS Raster driver (written in Python) to generate the proprietary SAG-GDI raster format from Sagem Communication which is used by some laser printers from Ricoh, currently the Aficio SP 1000S and SP 1100S. These printers do not understand PCL or PostScript and are therefore not covered by Ricoh's PPD files.

Note that this driver is neither supplied nor supported by Ricoh.


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