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PPD files for InfoPrint's PCL XL color printers, supplied by Ricoh
Supplier: Ricoh (printer manufacturer) License: MIT (free software, show license text) | ||||||||||||||||
User support: | Ricoh forum at OpenPrinting (voluntary) | |||||||||||||||
Color output Type: Ghostscript built-in | ||||||||||||||||
Text: | |||||||||| 100 | Graphics: | |||||||||| 50 | System Load: | Unknown | |||||||||||
Line Art: | |||||||||| 100 | Photo: | |||||||||| 50 | Speed: | Unknown | |||||||||||
This driver is available in the Ghostscript Printer Application
Under this entry Ricoh's PPD files for their InfoPrint-branded PCL XL color printers are hosted. PCL XL printers are supported by Ghostscript's built-in "pxlcolor" driver which is available in all Linux and Unix operating systems. So you only need the PPD file for your printer, no extra driver executables, to get access to all printing functionality. The PPD contains all information about properties and user-settable options which are specific to the printer and makes printing dialogs show these options and allow the user to control all the printer's functionality.
These PPDs are especially made for use on Linux/Unix systems. Especially they support all advanced printer features like Locked Print, Ducument Server, User Code, ... Note that although the printers are PostScript printers these PPD files need foomatic-rip. See the Ricoh FAQs for more details.
Note that these printers work, like all other PCL XL printers, with generic PCL XL PPD files, but then you will not get access to all the printer-specific functionality.
Printer list
- No known printers.