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Free software printer driver for the Kodak ESP inkjet printer series
Supplier: cupsdriverkodak project
License: GPL 2+ (free software, show license text)
  This driver contains algorithms which are (possibly) patented (See license text).
User support:cupsdriverkodak forums on SourceForge (voluntary)
Max. rendering resolution: 600x1200dpi   Color output   Type: CUPS Raster
Text:||||||||||  100Graphics:||||||||||  70System Load:Unknown
Line Art:||||||||||  100Photo:||||||||||  70Speed:Unknown


This driver is available in the Ghostscript Printer Application

This is a cups filter and PPD files for the Kodak ESP 5xxx all-in-one printers on Linux. Likely to work on other ESP printers like the ESP 3250, ESP 7, and ESP 9 as well.

This driver supports only printing, not scanning or faxing.


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